Nameum Creative Brands
To know more about Nameum, what we do and the names that we develop all you have to do is to look at some of the creative brand names we have developed over the years. These are names which we have develop for one project or another which didn’t exactly fit with the project at hand (we develop hundreds of names during our brand development process).
We thought so highly of some of the brand names even though they didn’t fit that particular project, we knew that they would make a standout brand name for another business or product so, we thought we would offer them here.
We also felt it is a great way know learn more about us, what we do, and the type of brands we develop. Have a look and please let us know if you’re interested in any of our pre-developed brand name.s
Some Pre-Developed Brands:
It’s amazing how certain names or words just sound strong, and strong is exactly what Baxium is, a strong sounding company name. When we created this name for either a company or product, we knew that the letter “X” gives strength to a name and makes it sound interesting and creative. One seeing that this is your name would infer that your company is creative just due to the interesting company name.This name is only six letters in length making it incredibly easy to remember and communicate, and essentially that is the most important aspect of any product or company name.
The creative logo designers here at Nameum really wanted to highlight the simple and short name so the letters were spelled out in a light yellow and backed by grey, also adding to the sense of strength.
The word “Communications” was added to the logo, to better identify what this company is and does but this could be easily changed out.
Sygene is a brand name perfectly suited for a pharmaceutical industry, biotech and any kind of medical product because it contains the word “Gene” in it. A gene, according to Wikipedia, is a molecular unit of heredity of a living organism.There is so much work being done with gene theory or gene replacement therapy and all sorts of work with genes that there is an entire industry springing up or has sprung up around them, and this would be an amazing and creative brand name for any business operating within this industry.
Because the name is so great and we wanted it to take prominence, the design team created a simple and quasi medical symbol to go over the name, particularly over the word “gene.” This is just one great example of a creative brand name that the Nameum Team can put together for you.
Ryblue is a cool brand name, poised to be something amazing. This brand name is only six letters long and really easy to communicate. There is only one way to pronounce this brand name and because it includes the word blue in it, it is easily remembered, easy to spell and stands out.The fact that this brand includes the word blue, it will be easy to brand and expand this into a business and/or product. The designers incorporated blue into everything from the symbol to the font; we feel that will be a great opportunity for branding.
Ryblue is an interesting and attention getting brand name which is unspecific in what it is, so it can be anything from product to service, anything, and there is great potential with the word blue to be expanded out into your business.
Go blue, Ryblue!
BioTeric is a great brand name, perfectly suited for a biotech company or even an IT brand name. This brand name is ten characters in length so it is incredibly easy to remember and because this name can be broken down into two distinct syllables making it easy to communicate.Bio is based on a Greek word for “life” and easily recognized as a brand because “bio” is used in so many words already, including, biography, biology, and biographical to name a few. “Teric” is easy to pronounce and even easier to spell, giving this brand name a great cadence and flow to it.
The brand design team felt this cool sounding name deserved a cool and interesting logo to go with it. The cool shape to the left of the brand name is interesting but not distracting from the main focus, the cool brand name.
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Codeum is a great brand name for an IT company or Tech company for a few reasons. The first reason this will make a great IT brand name is that it’s got the word “Code” right in it. Code is a reference to the code it takes to build a website but anyone looking for a IT company would probably already know that!
The second reason we think this will make a great tech company brand name is that it is short and creative. Tech companies are meant to be creative and that is exactly what this brand name is.
The design team added a creative symbol that adding to the interesting and creative feel of the name.
If you’re looking for a creative, interesting and attention getting business name, Fire Pup is the way to go. While yes, it is a reference to a specific animal, a young fire dog, it is really just different and exciting particularly when used in a non-fire related business.
We added the word “Advertising” to the bottom of the logo, (the domain name is because we thought this name would make an interesting Ad Agency name. This creative Start Up name would also work well for IT Company, in fact it would make a great name for any creative business.
What’s fun about the name is that a Fire Pup could really be the mascot for this new business. Think about what this mascot represents, it’s fun, it’s creative, fearless and full of energy. This creative business name is really well set up for and exciting new company.
IngZu is a cool and creative brand name that is well position to be anything as long as it’s big and exciting. This brand name is only five (5) letters in length which is easily remembered. This brand can also be easily recalled because it is made of the popular suffix “ing” and an interesting sounding “zu.”IngZu just sounds interesting and that can make for a great business name. Creative brand names like these can grab attention for your new business. Never underestimate the power of a creative brand name!
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Vygen is a creative and interesting brand name. It’s incredibly short, only five letters long which is easy to recall and easy to remember. Research has also found that brands which contain the letter “Y” are considered interesting and creative.The Nameum Creative Brand Team developed this name using the partial word “Gen” which could be a derivation of “Genetic,” “Gene,” “Generation” or any other word starting with “Gen,” which is quite a few.
This is a short, easily communicated and memorable brand name.
The Nameum team developed this creative brand name specifically for the cosmetic industry.While a creative brand name is important in any or every industry the cosmetic industry is particularly full of brands already so it is even more important to stand out.
Max Lash was created for an eyelash extender product or any eyelash product, color or otherwise. While this brand is limited to lash it is not limited to extender or color so there is plenty of opportunity for expansion.
We love the word “Max” which is short for “maximum” which will have a great impact on potential customers.
The creative team developed a more feminine logo and even added a color dash under the words to represent color, perhaps under the eye and as a highlight to the word “max.”
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Webrics is a cool IT company brand name ready for something exciting. This seven letter brand name has the word “Web” included right in it so you know it’s set for an online business or service.
Webrics has a good flow or cadence to it and it is really simple to communicate. The “Web” aspect is a nod to the internet and the “rics” could be a nod to fabrics, almost like the fabric that weaves the internet together.
A unique brand name like this could be used for just about any product and in any industry really which means you’d never be confined to anything in particular. This means you’ll be able to expand when the time comes or even separate off any part of the business you wanted to.
The Nameum Brand Development Team feels that this name is a great and interesting brand name ready for something great.
When you’re developing your brand what is it that you want people to know about you? Do you want people to trust your brand? Is that one of the key items your brand is based around? Should people feel comfortable with their most trusted items like money or family?If you said yes to any of the above questions, you may like the recently developed brand name “Trustings.” Our Brand Development Team thought this name says it all. We think there is no better way to tell people that they can trust your brand the incorporating the word “trust” right into it.
There are so many different industries where people must put trust in your brand. Anytime you’re dealing with people’s money or family or even pets, people need to trust you. We thought, why not put trust right out there.
We like the brand name “Trustings” so much we designed a simple and clear logo to go with it. The Brand Design Team added a simple square symbol above the last two letters we thought it add interest without being distracting. The Development Team also developed and added the tagline, “A History of Success.”
This brand name is ready for something great!
Grill Classic is one of the latest brands developed by the Creative Brand Development Team here at Nameum.The team feels that this brand name is clear and concise, easy to spell, super easy to communicate and just a great name for a company, book, restaurant and / or other types of business.
What we liked about the brand name is that while it is based around the word “grill” it can be expanded out in many different ways. For example it can be a restaurant which could launch related products such as spices. It can be an actual grill, and we all know how many different types of grills there are, with an entire line of grill related utensils, like spatulas and tongs.
This brand name is clear in its imagery but can grow into a really large empire.
We felt that with this brand, being that grilling tends to be a very male focused activity or cooking, went with a more masculine style and font and layout. The Brand Development Team did think it would be fun to add an actual grill to the layout as well.
Recently the Nameum Brand Development Team was thinking about what would make a great energy brand name.That got us thinking about the existing energy brands, Arco, BP, Shell, Hess and the million others, and we realized that none of them said what it is that they do or what they provided, with the exception of BP or British Petroleum, but that’s just a P in the name.
So came up with Fuelty. Fuelty says what it is “fuel” but is not specific to oil, natural gas, electric or even solar or wind, it’s just fuel. Even then, it can be fuel for your car, plain, home or heck, even your body as an energy drink.
This is one of those brand names that can expand as your business grows and as long as you stay within the enormous field of energy you brand can grow just about any direction.
So get ready to see Fuelty in your local station, on a store shelf or on the side of building somewhere, this energy brand name is built for success.
Hixal is a creative brand name ready to be developed into a huge company or winning service.Hixal is what we call within the industry as a multiple industry brand name. It’s called a multiple industry or multi industry brand because it has no specific meaning or dictionary definition. This brand name has been completely made up or developed by our Brand Development Team.
The beauty of these multi industry brand names is, because it has no specific meaning, it can be developed into any type of business, company or even service.
Another reason the Nameum Creative Brand Team loves Hixal is that it’s just so short in length, a great five (5) letter brand name. It’s extremely hard to develop a short brand name (6 letters and under) and even harder to acquire the corresponding dot-com domain name for it, and that is exactly we did just that.
With Hixal it doesn’t matter if your brand is a manufacturer, a healthcare company or even an IT company; it’s just waiting for you to put a stamp on it.
On a side note which applies to this creative brand, our experts have found that brand names which contain interesting letters such as x, y, z, v amongst a few others, get a lot of attention.
An interesting and powerful brand name creates interest so, let this brand name help created interest in your new business!

The Nameum Creative Brand Development Team really hit it out of the park with this one.Vectry is a short six (6) letter brand name that can be just about anything under the sun but, and here’s the really cool bit, is sounds and feels as if it should be an IT Company name or a Biotech Company Name.
Why do we say that?
The brand name Vectry is based off the word “vector” which has so many different meanings in the area of mathematics, biology, aeronautics, aerospace and in the IT industry that this brand name would work perfectly for any one of them.
Vectry is suggestive but not descriptive or limiting and is poised to be something huge. Let us know if the Nameum Creative Brand Naming Team can work for you!
Recently the Nameum Creative Naming Team developed this great five (5) letter brand name. Ryell, pronounced “Ry” “ell” can work perfectly for so many different types of businesses it’s almost a no brainer.
We also found that brand names which contain the letter “y,” not at the end of word, are generally thought of as “techy” sounding. This means that this name is perfectly suited for an IT Company or any business that wants to sound tech savvy.
Because the team loved this brand name so much, a simple and understated logo was chosen. A simple globe or sphere was chosen and balanced against a bold and striking font.
Aktria, is unique brand name entirely created by the team here at Nameum. Our Creative Brand Development staff have specifically designed this name to be short, it’s only six (6) letters long, and to stand out in a crowd.This is for sure a unique and interesting name that can catapult a brand from the mundane to the extraordinary. We know how much attention an interesting and creative brand name can get. It can really make the difference between being lost in a crowded market and standing out like a lighthouse in the fog.
An interesting brand name like Aktria can get you noticed and some great initial attention and isn’t that what every brand want when they just start out?
We went with a very simple glob logo for this brand. We felt the name is the real standout star and didn’t want to distract from that!
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What do you get when you take the words Intelligence and Star and put them together?
IntellaStar, a new creative brand name developed by our team here at Nameum.
We thought this brand name would work really well for any business that wants to known for their intelligent staff or technology and to be considered a rising star in their industry.
The term Star also has a lot of great visual potential.
One thing the Creative Team really liked about this brand is that while the name suggests intelligence it is not restrictive to any specific industry or product.
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The Creative Brand Team here at Nameum has developed this brand for any fitness or health related company.
We took the word “ultimate” and shortened it down to Ulti, because it is almost always better to have a shorter company name and domain name, plus the new word Ulti just sounds cooler and therefor will appeal to younger people better.
We added Ulti with Fit. We feel that UltiFit is a fun and interesting brand name that is concise around fitness but is not limiting to one specific product or service.
We like the simple and sturdy font with the earth tone colors to better accent healthiness of the brand name.
We couldn’t be happier with this cool sounding, short name built for an interesting and forward brand.With only five (5) letters and two of them being a Y and a V this name just has an edge to it. That’s why we used a really modern font for the lettering and an incredibly bold color choice for the logo.
We’ve also split the logo into two sections which add a really interesting element to it. This brand name and logo will look amazing as a business card or up on the side of a building fifty or a hundred feet off the ground.
Tell everyone that your brand in energetic and innovative with Dyven!
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According to, a genius is “an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work.”
The Nameum Creative Team really liked the idea of including the name “genius” in this brand name. The suffix “ly” is used to make the word genius into an adverb; just like “you’re doing it gladly” your business is “doing it geniusly!”
If you want people to what kind of business you are, there is no better way to tell them than right there in your business name.
The Brand Development Team felt that this name would work really well for an IT company brand so we included “Technology” in the logo.
If you’re ready for us to start creating a brand for your business please let us know.
This brand name is only five (5) letters long and is completely invented. This brand would be considered an invented brand name. Invented brand names can be built into just about any type of business but have been found to work well, particularly in the IT Industry.
Because this brand has been invented and has no particular meaning, the Creative Brand Team has added the tagline “Healthcare Services.” A well thought out tagline explains what you do and can become part of your brand entity.
This tagline can be quickly changed completely or modified to better fit the needs of a client through some simple logo redesigns.
If you like this brand name and want us to create one for your, please check out our pricing.
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ReliaBuild is a unique and interesting brand name. Our Creative Team developed this name by combining two words “Relia” a derivation of “Reliable” and “Build.”We initially felt that this name would well for a construction company but then realized the great brand potential the name truly has.
This name, because of the word relia, would really work where ever you want to sound reliable. This could extend into software, hardware and extending into the construction trade, tools, equipment, types of cement, wood or even paint.
We like the simple font on this logo and added a man hammering, a symbol in sorts of reliability.
If this brand name is something that you’re looking for please let us know.
Boldion is well just that, a bold and creative brand name. This brand name was developed for any business or product that wished to be thought of as bold, forward thinking and strong.Our Creative Team felt that adding the word “bold” right into the name would be a great way for any business to grab some attention. The team also felt that adding “ion” to the back of bold would create a new and interesting word which would still be easy to communicate and spell.
For the design, the team felt a simple yet strong font would be the best approach to the design of the logo. We did a bit of style or flair with outline or silhouette of a globe through the lettering.
Harked is a brand new creative brand name developed by our Creative Team. This amazing brand name that can be used across many different industries and is based on a dictionary word “hark,” which means to listen attentively.You know you’ve heard it one of the most famous Christmas songs of all time “hark how the bells.”
Because this brand is based on a dictionary word and has an interesting meaning, the Creative Team thinks this brand name would work well for any company or product where some type of listening is involved; including but not limited to the music industry, TV, radio or even the phone or telecommunications.
Examples of Creative Business Names by Nameum:
From the Creative Brand Team. We really liked how the brand is based on the word “often.” Everyone can spell the word “often” so there will be no confusion and this brand name will be easily communicated and remembered.The brand name is relatively short, only eight (8) letters long, maybe a little bit longer then what we’d recommend but because this name contains a dictionary word, this is not a problem. The Design Team made the logo an interesting combination of grey and red, which makes the white lettering pop. The Design Team also really like how the logo was made into a tab or pull off sticker.
The Creative Brand Team working with the Design Team added the tagline “Global.” Nameum owns the dot-com domain name,, so they wanted to add the tagline.
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Lyyon is a strong and interesting brand name. Lyyon is a short brand name of only five (5) letters and is highly memorable. The brand is a play on the word “lion” which brings certain strength to the brand. Everyone can imagine a strong and powerful brand with the name like “Lyyon.”
The play on “lion” is enhanced by the use of the color or yellow, suggestive of the lion’s coat. The type font has also been chosen to because it’s bold building on the strong brand name.
We liked the yellow stripes also give a sense of speed. We also feel that two y’s side by side had a very appealing look to them.
This brand would be well suited for any company where you want to grab attention and come across as interesting. We think this brand would work well for an IT Company.
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Directing is a creative and non-restrictive brand name for just about anything. The Namum Creative Team loved that the name could be used across multiple industries and for many different products. The Creative Team was able to procure which is a great short domain name.
This brand can easily be enhanced with a great tagline. The team chose “technology” because they thought this brand would be a great creative brand name for a IT Company.
For the logo the creative team chose simple colors and an easy to read font. A simple “block” style has been chosen to not to distract from the name “Directing’s” but add an upward feel to the name and logo for a streamlined brand touch point.
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The Creative Team really like the band name “Go Excursion” and “” The team really like the term “Go” because it’s an action word and encourages people to get moving and would likely attract younger adventure travelers.
Excursion was chosen because of the younger travelers and the huge increase in adventure travel. Excursion could also mean air travel, cruses, adventure travel, train it suggests movement and activity but is not restrictive to any one in particular.
The Creative Brand Team really like the swooshing blue line incorporated into the brand logo. The line could indicate mountains, playing with the idea of young adventure travelers, but it is not specific.
Vonadon is a great creative name for an IT company. We really love the way “von,” “a” and “don” go together so well. The brand name has a flow and ring to it.Our Creative Brand Team loved that the brand was only seven (7) letters long which is considerably short for a tech company. This brand name is also considerably easy to spell and there is only one way to pronounce it.
The design department liked the scribble mark incorporated into the logo as it reminds us of the needle on a Richter Scale. The logo could have a tag line incorporated into it to play up the Richter Scale idea to have a maximum impact.
Something like “ground shaking” or “Off the Richter Scale.”
If you would like a creative brand name for your new venture, please let us know.
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Lux Body is a brand name specifically designed for an upscale skin care product line. We really loved the use of “Lux” which is a derivative of “luxury.” We believe that “lux,” while still conveying luxury sounded younger and more interesting.The creative team liked the word “body” included in the brand name; it told you where you were products are going to be used but, it is not limited to one product.
The brand name is also open to expansion to any product used on the body including but not limited to hair care products, lotions, moisturizers, cosmetics and even spas or health clubs.
The creative team also developed the interesting symbol that works well with the brand name. We feel this brand symbol can be used on all sorts of products and could be stamped into soaps or bottles of products.
If you’re interested in us developing a creative brand name for you, please let us know.
ReadiWrap was a brand designed specifically for a wrapping product. This brand, while specific to a wrapping product, was designed to be not specific to a household product. This brand name simply states that it is “Ready” and a “Wrap.”We developed this brand to be used anywhere you need to wrap things or even as a restaurant, as wrap business or existing restaurants have begun offering “wraps.”
The Nameum Team played with the word “ready” for and more creative or modern sounding brand. We also liked how the term ready, conveyed speed and quickness.
Until this brand has been specifically designated to a specific industry the logo has been left nonspecific.
To see what what the Creative Brand Team can do for you.
Cigly is an interesting and intriguing brand name and that’s just the point.Cigly is only five letters long and is really easy to spell. We thought this brand name would be benefited with a tagline, so we’ve added to the logo.
We liked the shape of the logo for the brand. We found the shape combined with the large letters inside made the brand name clear, clean and really easy to read. We thought that the logo would maybe represent a pill as this brand name may work really well for a pharmaceutical company.
This brand is nonspecific and can be used within many industries and that’s just the point. We loved how this brand name is creative but nonspecific all at the same time.
See what creative name brands Nameum can develop for you!
The Nameum Team developed Zykin specifically for a pharmaceutical brand. We thought this brand name would work well for both a pharmaceutical product or for a pharmaceutical company.Research has shown that pharmaceutical brand names which start with a consonant followed by a “y” have greatest impact with the intended target.
This brand name is considerably short, only five (5) letters long, and has an interesting and intriguing feel to it.
Zykin in an entirely made up name word so the brand can be developed into just about anything that is required of it.
If you’re interested in what the Nameum Team can do for you, please let us know.
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Oxilla is a brand that we’ve created for a strong but interesting company, particularly a technology brand. We played with a few concepts here. We really like the concept of “ox” because it immediately brings to mind the idea of strength.
We also played with the idea of Godzilla. Anyone in their thirties and older has a strong connection to the Godzilla movies of our youth. Godzilla is also a legend in the cartoon or Sci-Fi industry which, also so happens to be very popular with the technology community.
This technology brand name is really short in length and we fill will have a huge impact.
If you would like us to start working on a brand for your business, please let us know.
We created this hot brand name with an advertising or marketing company in mind. Both industries are looking to make the largest impact with their target markets. We also really liked the word “hot.”“Hot” really means fresh and is a word often used to express “now” or “current.” The word hot also has a certain sizzle to it. People want to know how to make a hot impact with their key demographic.
Because we wanted a fresh and different brand name, we stayed away from the typical idea of flames or red, the more common associations with the word hot. Instead we used a revers logo with the letters, in the light color with a dark background.
We liked the bold blue and although this brand has the simple domain name we added the tagline “advertising” just to make sure it was clear.
If you want us to develop a technology brand name for you, please let us know.
Nameum produced this creative brand name for a transportation company with a environmental focus. This brand was developed to let people know the company’s commitment to the environment with the prefix “Geo” which comes from Greek for earth.We feel that even though “Geo” is Greek that enough people would be able to make the connection to earth. Geo is a commonly found word on many products or applications where there is environmental focus. You’ll also hear “geo” in geography and there’s a geo quiz on some popular news programs.
Working with the environmental brand, we used earth tones of greens and browns. We also incorporated three circles representing wheels and we placed them all the way to the right to suggest movement.
Get Nameum working for your brand now.
Afteon is a light and airy brand name. The Nameum Team created this brand to be universal in its appeal. The brand name is nonspecific so can be used across multiple industries and for many different products. Knowing that this company way wish to expand in the future we didn’t wish to create an overly specific band name.We captured the world wide appeal of this brand name by incorporating a modern and stylized globe into the logo. We connected the brand name with the logo in the use of the color and modern stylized font.
Get Nameum creating your brand today!
We love the brand Ryvox. The brand name is only five (5) letters long, has only one pronunciation it and there is a deep meaning. “Vox” is Latin for “voice” so the name has a cool etymological foundation.This creative brand name will work well for many different products or creative businesses because it is not specific to one industry or even to one product, even though it does have the meaning of voice.
If you’re looking to give a “voice” to your business or product, no matter what type this would be a good brand name for you.
Please let us know if you’re interested in the Nameum team create a great brand for you!
Get the Nameum team working for you.
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IntelleHub is a creative brand name that the Nameum Development Team created specifically for an IT Company. The powerful combination of Intelligent and Hub is a sure fire way to tell people that you’re forward thinking and ahead of technology.
IT companies need to have intelligent names that are interesting and tell your target market that you’re the ones to solve their IT problems.
Have the Nameum team create a brand for you.
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Lemyn is a fun and creative name. The brand name is a derivation of the word “Lemon” and when it’s paired with the fun logo, this is a sure attention getter.
Lemyn was created to be a fun business name or even as a great product brand. This brand is only five letters and easily remembered.
Lemyn would work well for a beverage, food product or even as cleaner, where you would desire a lemon fresh scent. We believe that this name, due to the unique spelling, would be easier to trademark when the time comes.
Have use develop a creative brand for you.
Syncaid is an interesting and creative brand name, set for a IT company or any forward thinking start up. The “Syn” could be a derivation of “synthetic” which would work for multiple products.We like how there is really only one way to pronounce it. This creative brand is great because it is non-specific and is well set to grow with your business or product.
The name was also designed to be short in length, only seven (7) letters.
Get us started creating a brand for you!
EcoPeaks was created for two different types of companies, the first is a environmentally focused company or product. We liked peaks because it the top, the most, or of the highest level.
Eco could also be short for “economy” or “economics.” This would work well for a financial adviser or anywhere you would want someone to hit the top.
We also liked how the name is only seven (7) letters long and it’s really easy to spell.
Creative brands specifically for you.
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RyBuild is a unique and interesting brand name. Our Creative Team developed this name by combining two words “Ry” a possible derivation of “Reliable” and “Build.”
We initially felt that this name would well for a construction company but then realized the great brand potential the name truly has.
This brand name could be used for any business where you build anything. This could extend into software, hardware and extending into the construction trade, tools, equipment, types of cement, wood or even paint.
We like the simple font on this logo and added a man hammering, a symbol in sorts of reliability.
If this brand name is something that you’re looking for please let us know.
The above brands are just some of the past works of the creative team here at Nameum. We’d love to get started on creating a brand for your business or product. You can learn more about how the Nameum Team creates brands by following the link.
If you’re ready for Nameum to start working on your brand just, click on the link below.