Business Name Feedback & Refinement
Business Names and Feedback
After the initial Creative Business Naming Process the Nameum Team will present you with the Nameum Preliminary Naming Report. This report will have the top 100 creative business or product names that have been developed for your new venture.
This Preliminary Report will include great tools and information for you to assess the naming recommendations for your specific needs. You’ll learn about how to grade your naming options, score your business name ideas and how to think critically about the suggestions.
Once you’ve gone over the names we’ll ask you for your feedback regarding the suggestions. This is one of the most critical steps in the “Nameum One-Two Punch.” Many times there are names on the Preliminary Report that will work perfectly for your business but often this list spurs new and interesting ideas; ideas which you may want to explore further.
You may look at this list and consider moving the name in another direction or the list may spark new and interesting ideas. It’s possible that you like some of the idea clusters and wish to develop them more thoroughly. Whatever the situation, we’ll take your feedback at this point and get back to the naming process.
We love this part of the process because we get to refine the thinking behind the names and really come up with the best business names that, not only will you love but, business names that will stick in the head of your target market.
Not many other Naming Companies include this opportunity to be able to give your feedback during the naming process; we think it’s one of the most critical steps. We’ll take your feedback and look back at naming process and we’ll come back to you with 100 new creative business names.
That’s essentially 200 business name suggestions, all of which are available for immediate registration in the exact match dot-com domain name. We’ll ask you to grade and score these names to determine which works best for you and the one with the most powerful impact for your future customers.
As soon as you’ve determined which of these names is the knock out, creative business name perfect for you, we’ll get started on your logo, to complete the “Nameum One-Two Punch.”